Monday, December 30, 2013

ই ং রে জি ২ য় প ত্র

ই ং রে জি ২ য় প ত্র

Direct speech: ‘Porter, you may go,’ said the mistress of the house, laughing. ‘You have gained your freedom.’ ‘By Allah,’ he replied, ‘I will not leave this house until I have heard the stories of my companions.’

Indirect speech: The mistress of the house told the porter laughing that he might go as he had gained his freedom. Swearing by Allah, the porter replied that he would not leave the house till he had heard the stories of his companions.

Direct speech: ‘Alas!’ said Miranda, ‘do not work so hard, my father is at his studies. You are safe for these three hours; pray rest yourself.’ ‘O my dear lady,’ said Ferdinand, ‘I dare not. I must finish my task before I take my rest.’

Indirect speech: Miranda exclaimed with sorrow and requested Ferdinand not to work so hard because her father was at his studies. She added that he (F) was safe for three hours. She requested him to rest himself. Addressing Miranda as his dear lady, Ferdinand replied that he dared not. He added that he had to finish his task before he took his rest.

Direct speech: Shaon said to Shejan. ‘Why are you late for school every day?’ ‘I can’t get up early in the morning. So I don’t have enough time to be ready for school,’ he replied. ‘How lazy you have grown!’ she said. ‘If you don’t change your habit, you’ll be a cause of sorrow to your parents.’

Indirect speech: Shaon asked Shejan why he was late for school every day. Shejan replied that he could not get up early in the morning and so he did not have enough time to be ready for school. Shaon exclaimed with sorrow that he had grown very lazy. She added that if he did not change the habit, he would be a cause of sorrow to his parents.

Direct speech: ‘Do you know why you are sent to school?’ ‘For playing with friends, father.’ ‘No, you are sent to learn to read and write.’ ‘But I won’t read and write’, replied Jack sulkily. ‘Yes, you will.’

Indirect speech: Father asked Jack if he knew why he was sent to school. Jack replied to his father that he was sent to school for playing with friends. Father replied in the negative that he was sent to learn to read and write. But Jack replied sulkily that he would not read and write. Father insisted that he would read and write.

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সমাপনী ও জেএসসি পরিক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ আজ যে কোন সিম থেকে 16222 নাম্বারে SMS করেই এখন জেনে নিতে পারবেন পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট।

# সমাপনী  ও  # জেএসসি  পরিক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ আজ.... এবার JSC/JDC/DPE/EBT রেজাল্ট চলে আসবে আপনার ফোনে! যে কোন সিম থেকে 16222 নাম্বারে S...